Liberty-minded oath-keeper committed to defending the Constitution.

Robert Moon

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Education | Politics

Politics | Education

University of Michigan Requires Course on America’s Racism

It’s that time of year when high school seniors across the country are considering what college to enroll in for the fall semester. While weighing his options, one student discovered that in order to graduate from the University of Michigan, you must fi

    Politics | Education

    GOP gubernatorial candidate blasts Common Core

    Rob Astorino says his kids will boycott new testing standards

        Politics | Education

        Common Core MATH lesson plans attack Reagan, list Lincoln’s religion as ‘liberal’

        Another week has gone by and, like clockwork, some more hilariously awful Common Core math lessons have oozed out of the woodwork. This time, reports and Liberty Unyielding, the culpri

          Politics | Education

          10-Year-Old Suspended for 'Imaginary Bow and Arrow'

          Ten-year old Johnny Jones was suspended from school after pretending

            Politics | Education

            Rand Paul Hammers Obama On School Choice Opposition Despite Sending His Kids To Private Schools

            While Sen. Rand Paul was outlining his plan to help revitalize bankrupt Detroit he promoted the concept that all Americans should have their tax dollar follow their children to increase competition between private and public schools...

              Politics | Education

              Common Core Teaching Gettysburg Address Without Teaching Civil War

              Recently, a perfect example came to light of the propensity of the Common Core curriculum to teach to a test instead of teaching to comprehend. It was revealed that a teaching unit on Lincoln's famed Gettysburg Address instructs that students read the

                Politics | Education

                Professor assigns bizarre novella ‘The Baby Jesus Butt Plug’ to students

                California State University comparative literature students will be asked to imagine a world where

                  Politics | Education

                  Common Core-aligned lesson plan for third-graders casts Obama as modern messiah

                  Another biography of President Barack Obama is making waves. This one is entitled

                        Politics | Education

                        Common Core Teaches Kids Government Must Be Obeyed

                        Masquerading as national education standards, the Common Core curriculum includes political indoctrination, disguised as English lessons, teaching government must be obeyed.

                          Politics | Education

                          CALL TO ARMS: Texas A&M law prof says it’s time to repeal Second Amendment

                          A full-time professor on the faculty of the newly-minted Texas A&M University School of Law called for the repeal and replacement of the Second Amendment on Friday. The professor, Mary Margaret

                            Politics | Education

                            12-year-old Democratic activist takes on NC governor over voting law

                            The first Republican governor to lead North Carolina in 20 years is being taken to task -- by a 12-year-old girl.

                              Politics | Education

                              Common Core lessons blasted for sneaking politics into elementary classrooms

                              Critics of the Common Core initiative may have their nightmares come to fruition after seeing these worksheets.

                                Politics | Education

                                Price tag on public university’s raucous gay sex seminar: $24,000

                                The University of Oregon (U.O.) paid popular sex columnist Dan Savage a whopping $24,000 to talk to students about fisting, gorilla suit fetishes and gay marriage, according to an investigation. Th

                                  Politics | Education

                                  COMMON PORN: Another school district pulls a raunchy Common Core-approved book

                                  Teachers and school officials in yet another American school district have become so appalled by the raunchy content in a Common Core-recommended book that they have refused to distribute the book to

                                    Politics | Education

                                    High School Principal Cancels Pledge of Allegiance Citing Gov’t Shutdown — and Now He Could Be in Big Trouble

                                    A Nebraska high school principal may face disciplinary action after he cited the government shutdown as the reason for canceling the daily pledge of allegiance one day last week. District superintendent Troy Unzicker told TheBlaze his office is investigat

                                      Politics | Education

                                      Los Angeles school district wants teachers to wear pro-gay badges

                                      Los Angeles public schools are encouraging teachers and staff to wear badges that identify them as “LGBT allies” and supporters of the pro-gay movement. Superintendent John Deasy kicked off the

                                        Politics | Education

                                        Leftist geography professor at taxpayer-funded university rails at students over shutdown

                                        Last week, a geography professor at the public, taxpayer-funded University of Wisconsin-La Crosse used a required assignment in one of her courses to wage a campaign against Republicans, blaming them

                                            Politics | Education

                                            Insanity: seventh-grader suspended three days for gun keychain the size of a quarter

                                            Yet another student has landed in trouble for having something that represents a gun, but isn't actually anything like a real gun. This time, the student is 12-year-old Joseph Lyssikatos, a studen

                                              Politics | Education

                                              School official tells students Trayvon Martin case proved it is 'legal to hunt' children

                                              An e-mail sent to students by a University of Maryland official that cites the Trayvon Martin shooting as evidence it is legal to hunt down and kill American children in Florida is being blasted as the latest evidence of a left-wing bias on campus.

                                                Politics | Education

                                                History professors give Obama B- because he’s just not liberal enough

                                                George Mason University's History News Network (HNN) recently asked a few hundred American historians to give President Barack Obama letter grades in 15 different categories. Just over 200 historia

                                                  Politics | Education

                                                  Pledge of Allegiance skipped, Muslim poem read at Boston school on 9/11

                                                  The principal of Concord Carlisle High School in Boston issued an apology Wednesday after a Muslim poem was recited over the intercom on the 12th anniversary of 9/11, and the Pledge of Allegiance was not.

                                                    Politics | Education

                                                    Student Protesters Rip 2,977 American Flags Out of Ground at 9/11 Memorial

                                                    More than 200 colleges and high schools across the nation participated in Young America's Foundation's 9/11: Never Forget Project. Students came together to establish an American flag memorial on campus consisting of 2,977 flags representing each

                                                      Politics | Education

                                                      Wikistorming: Colleges offer credit to inject feminism into Wikipedia

                                                      Fifteen universities including some Ivy League schools are offering college credit to students who will inject feminist thinking into Wikipedia -- and some are calling it an eye-opening case of campus bias.

                                                        Politics | Education

                                                        ‘What is Government?’ Elementary Students Taught It’s Your ‘Family’

                                                        Fourth-grade students in Illinois are learning that “government is like a nation's family” because it sets rules and takes care of needs such as health care and education. So says a worksheet for social studies homework that was distributed to st

                                                          Politics | Education

                                                          NY State Ed. Commissioner Sends Own Kids to Private School

                                                          WHAM: New York State Education Commissioner John King does not send his daughters to public school.

                                                            Politics | Education

                                                            Obama's College Aid Plan Deserves An 'F'

                                                            Obama calls his latest college aid proposal a way to make higher education more affordable. It's actually an attempt to leverage a government-caused problem to embed the federal government even more deeply into higher education.

                                                              Politics | Education

                                                              Conservative Prof. Has Awesome Response to Guy Who Called Him the ‘Biggest Embarrassment to Higher Education in America’

                                                              One conservative college professor's support for traditional marriage was enough for one online commenter to brand him “the biggest embarrassment to higher education in America.” How the professor responded was pretty fantastic.

                                                                Politics | Education

                                                                Georgia school to keep display featuring 'God is Dead' posters

                                                                A Georgia high school project that has sparked outrage among some students and parents will not be taken down, the district decided.

                                                                  Politics | Education

                                                                  UCLA deans travel like rock stars as tuition soars out of middle-class reach

                                                                  A shocking investigation by the Center for Investigative Reporting demonstrates that several deans at the University of California, Los Angeles have run up outrageous tabs for travel and entertainment

                                                                    Politics | Education

                                                                    Indiana Drops Common Core Tests

                                                                    Indiana is the latest state to withdraw from a national Common Core testing coalition, leaving state officials to reconsider the national standards and tests.

                                                                      Politics | Education

                                                                      Public School Advocate Matt Damon Enrolls Kids in Private School

                                                                      Actor Matt Damon is a strong supporter of America's public schools. Just two years ago, the star spoke passionately about the importance of public schools at a Washington DC

                                                                        Politics | Education

                                                                        Student Loans: College Costs Will Continue to Rise

                                                                        [caption id=attachment_84623 align=alignnone width=576] Newscom[/caption] Last week, the Senate passed a bill that would peg interest rates on federal student loans to Washington’s cost of borrowing (the Treasury rate) plus 2.05 percent. The bill al

                                                                          Politics | Education

                                                                          Florida state rep. says high school world history textbook is a big Islam lovefest

                                                                          A Florida school board is reviewing a state-approved world history textbook used in an Advanced Placement class over claims that the book covers Islam in loving, rah-rah detail while giving short shri

                                                                              Politics | Education

                                                                              North Carolina Ends Tenure, Pay Increases For Higher Degrees

                                                                              North Carolina took the first step to change their education system and make it better for the children. Governor Pat McCrory (R) signed a bill that eliminates teacher tenure and eliminates automatic pay increases for any teacher who earns a master’s de