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Business | Business & Finance

Business & Finance | Business

Make Your Business Great Again - What We Can Learn From Trump's Shock Win

Whatever your opinion's of the President-Elect, there are intriguing, powerful lessons about the importance of customer feedback that we can learn from him

    Business & Finance | Business

    13 Ways Designers Screw Up Client Presentations

    …and one weird trick you won’t believe works every time.

    Business & Finance | Business

    Viral Marketing: The Short Story Of A Targeted Email Campaign That Went Viral

    Big data is changing the way we sell our products online. Once only at the fingertips of companies like Amazon, a new era is upon us. It’s easy to get caught up in the buzz words but, back in reality

    Business & Finance | Business

    Walmart Pays Workers Poorly And Sinks While Costco Pays Workers Well And Sails-Proof That You Get What You Pay For

    A protest in Utah against Wal-Mart (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Costco’s most recent quarterly earnings report reveals a fairly healthy eight percent rate of growth in year-on-year sales—including a five percent rise in same store sales. Wha

    Business & Finance | Business

    The 5 Signs of a Bad Leader

     Not all leaders are created equal.   There are great ones, good ones, okay ones, and downright awful ones.  It's okay, we've all said it before, either aloud or in our own minds,

    Business & Finance | Business

    What Your C Level Clients Really Think

        Have you ever walked out of a meeting with a CEO, CFO or CIO, hit the button on the elevator and thought 'I heard what s/he said but I still...

    Business & Finance | Business

    6 Cs of Successful Social Marketing

    #bestofPrezi winner. *Free Social eBook:* Use Facebook to promote your brand/business? Learn the Six C's of Successful Social Marketing to ensure you are getting the MOST from your efforts.

      Business & Finance | Business

      8 Simple Ways to Get Great Media Exposure

      If you've already delved into content marketing, you're part of the way there. Here's what to do next.