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Los Angeles Time Tunnel

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The Sunset Strip | History

History | The Sunset Strip

When Rock 'n' Roll Loomed Large Over the Sunset Strip - Neatorama

Rock ’n’ roll billboards flourished on the Sunset Strip from the late 1960s to the early ‘80s. Music videos weren’t yet a thing, and a hand-painted billboard, paid for by the record company, was a sign that a band h

History | The Sunset Strip

The Mystery of the Sunset Strip's Bullwinkle Disappearance Solved: Bullwinkle Statue fully restored!

On September 24, 1961, a gigantic revolving sculpture featuring the cartoon stars Rocky and Bullwinkle was erected at 8218 W. Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood, directly across the street from a revolving statue of a cowgirl promoting the Sahara Casino Hotel in Las Vegas...