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Los Angeles Time Tunnel

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Los Angeles History | History

History | Los Angeles History

Take a trip through the magnificent department stores of old L.A.

Long before so many people did their shopping online, Los Angeles' department stores -- Bullock's, Robinson's, May Company, Hamburger's and more -- were the place to be.

History | Los Angeles History

40 Photos of Los Angeles Over From 1910 to Now!

So much has happened since the city was founded in 1871. It all started when studios popped up all over town and Old Hollywood took over.

History | Los Angeles History

Lost History: The Ambassador Hotel & Cocoanut Grove — Finding Lost Angeles

The former site of the Ambassador Hotel and its fabled Cocoanut Grove nightclub, today sit behind bars like a fortress on Wilshire Boulevard. The once inviting motorist’s entrance seems like an out of place remnant to the unsuspecting eye, and there are few other clues that this site was once the location of the essential Ambassador and its Grove.

History | Los Angeles History

Photos: Many L.A. Boulevards Began as Trolley Lines

Why are there two San Vicentes? Look to the boulevards' origins as electric railway lines.

History | Los Angeles History

Transforming the Taco: The Origins of Taco Bell | KCET

For the innovative, restless Glen Bell, the opening of the first Taco Bell was simply the idea that finally caught fire, after a decade of working to bring a Mexican-inspired menu to the masses.

History | Los Angeles History

If These Menus Could Talk: The History of L.A. Power Dining Revealed - Hollywood Reporter

The first time chef Roy Choi visited the Los Angeles Public Library's 9,000-item vintage menu collection, he felt like Christopher Reeve's character in the 1980 movie Somewhere in Time, a playwright who travels back decades.

History | Los Angeles History

Vintage Menus Are the Special Du Jour - Los Angeles Magazine

The Los Angeles Public Library’s incredible menu collection goes on display June 13

History | Los Angeles History

11 Los Angeles secrets you didn't know existed

Including invisible oil derricks, underground prohibition tunnels, and

History | Los Angeles History

Googie: Architecture of the Space Age

Before I moved to Los Angeles (almost 2 years ago now) I had never heard the word Googie. In fact, when a friend -- a native Californian -- used the term I initially thought it must have something to do with Google. I didn't know the word, but I definitel

History | Los Angeles History

Alison Martino's "Vintage Los Angeles": Dan Tana's 50th Anniversay

When people ask me to suggest a classic Hollywood joint, there’s only one place that comes to mind: Dan Tana’s. On October 1 this dark and cozy Italian landmark will celebrate its 50th anniversary.