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Chris Thomas

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Mat surfing | Sports

Sports | Mat surfing

G Mat Surfmat Cornwall April 2023

Surfmat designer/builder G riding his G-Mat RB-JMC in North Cornwall in April, 2023. Camera: Tom Jennings

Sports | Mat surfing

CIRCUM VEHICLE (Illusion of Speed)

Study into Greenough's theory that the "Illusion of Speed" created by the Surf mat is the safest and funnest "Circum Vehicle" to ride in waves. Words & Title...

Sports | Mat surfing

UK Mat Surfers Matmeet - Gwynver, Cornwall, UK - 25th Sept 2022

Surfmat Meet - Gwynver, Cornwall, UK - 25th Sept 2022.Gary Villa, Helen Derici, Ric Marsden, James Harvey, Bill Topham, Mark "Tom" Underwood and Graeme Webst...

Sports | Mat surfing

Surf Mat Turbo Time 3 - Next Generation

My Grandsons are the first kids to grow up learning to surf on high performance surf mats. Its great having 3 generations of my family all in the water at on...

Sports | Mat surfing

The Phileas Project Pt 13 Homecoming

After 8 years on the road, Phileas the travelling mat has made it back to the UK where she started her journey. One final tour around the north coasts of Dev...

Sports | Mat surfing

Krypt Surf Mat - 36 hours in Hawaii

Vicki Reale from visits Hawaii for 36 hours. Vicki demonstrates how easy it is to travel with a Krypt Surf Mat in your carry on to elimina...

Sports | Mat surfing


Catching up with good friend Dean for a quick mat surf with him before busting out some other surf craft, first day of holidays!!

Sports | Mat surfing

BSR surfmat

had to ride the expert setting when all I wanted was the double barrel wave. So decided to ride the Surfmat. Surfmat BSR wave pool.

Sports | Mat surfing

Matmeet - Surfmats at The Wave, Bristol, UK. April 17 2021

A bubble of surfmat riders donned their leashes (yes, that's right... sacrilidge!) and took a trip to The Wave, Bristol. A really fun session as always.

Sports | Mat surfing

First Session on The LOTUS Surf Mat | Hawaii (2021)

Riding a 4thGearFlyer in overhead waves. This was my first session riding the Lotus model. The handmade surf mat by Paul Gros is narrower & has less volume s...

Sports | Mat surfing

SCUMM TV -Inflatable Dreams

Saturday morning adventures with the SCUMM mat Boyz , Paul Newman & Phil Harper

Sports | Mat surfing


This is "BAG OF DREAMS.mp4" by adam williams on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Sports | Mat surfing

Chippa Wilson Demonstrates The Best Surf Craft/Transport Combo For Localised Parking Lots

The latest episode of Wilson's Foam and Rubber sees our protagonist braaap down the coast on his vintage Harley and charge through the kelp on a surf mat.

Sports | Mat surfing

7’0 ZK hull & 4GF Standard Mat

Some waves on an extreme convexed board shaped by my friend Zak Klein. Extremely pinched rails, scooped out nose basically completely flat rocker and Stringe...

Sports | Mat surfing

Surfmat riding Fourth Gear Flyer. Airmat Surfing - fit over 50.

G'day viewers today we go surfmatting. Airmats or surfmats are a lot of fun ... easy to try extremely difficult to master.The best mats I personally recommen...

Sports | Mat surfing



Sports | Mat surfing

News Letter March/April 2021 —

Monthly news letter and other News and views about MatSurfers and mat surfing in general. We welcome posts from guest authors so please get in touch if you would like to get involved.

Sports | Mat surfing

George Greenough Discussing Surf Mats - 1985

Legendary surfer George Greenough talks about the 4th Gear Flyer surf mat in this video shot at his home in Santa Barbara in 1985.Mat Riding Blog: http://su...

Sports | Mat surfing

Pocket Rocket — G-Mat Custom Surfmats

I have a number of models in my range but have never owned them all. As I am currently working through a batch of mats for people I who have helped me out, I am working through a quiver for myself of all of my mats (in my own time).

Sports | Mat surfing


Ahoy there Matters of the World! Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Yes, a bit late we know, on the first day of Spring, but here is the first Newsletter of 2021. It has been a quiet start to the Year in some ways and and incredibly sad one in others. It has also b

Sports | Mat surfing

My Island Home 2021- Oz Day

This is "My Island Home 2021- Oz Day" by adam williams on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Sports | Mat surfing

Yucca Fin Flexes explained.

In this video we go over our three different fin flex offerings; Standard Flex, Soft Flex and Ultra Soft Flex.

Sports | Mat surfing

MATSURFERS.COM NEWS - December 2020 —

HO HO HO MATTERS!!! Welcome to our December 2020 newsletter and something of a boon of a month with a viral mat video (with an extra wave), the latest episode, the launch or our updated Care & Repair page and a long awaited Here &

Sports | Mat surfing

inflatable fun - 2015

surfmat around orange county california. enjoy

Sports | Mat surfing

Drawing Lines

I proudly present Tom Threinen in "Drawing Lines". Tom is an artist and surfer who thought he had left the ocean for good when he moved to Nevada to start…

Sports | Mat surfing

Andrew Stephen Buck Surfmat Flying!

A video that wowed the world turning thousands on to mats in one day. ASB surfing Rincon, captured by Log Rap. Visit

Sports | Mat surfing

Let Them Hate Me... So Long as They Fear Me... — G-Mat Custom Surfmats

That’s right. This mat is named Caligula . She’s the latest build for Andrew Stphen Buck. Caligula came about through discussion about a mat I built for Jamie McClellan a little while back named Wheezy Jefferson . ASB was interested by Jamie’s ride

Sports | Mat surfing

The Intricacies of Mat Surfing ... in a Nutshell

I proudly present Graeme Webster in "The Intricacies of Mat Surfing ... in a Nutshell". As a UK based surfmat-builder, Graeme hardly needs an introduction…

Sports | Mat surfing

Mat Surfing Blows Up

More about mat surfing

Sports | Mat surfing

Tales From The Rock House —

Surf stories from Ken “Kendog” McKnight. Surfmats and surfing form SoCal and beyond.

Sports | Mat surfing

Which Fins —

Our take on swimfins made for mat surfing. We keep this as up to date as we can in this fast changing area of surfing.

Sports | Mat surfing

Best Surf Mats Reviewed: Top 7 + How To Choose

Interested In Surf Mats? We Put The Ultimate Guide Together For You That Every Aspect Of This Hidden Gem Wave Riding Method!

Sports | Mat surfing

MATSURFERS.COM NEWS - November 2020 —

Hello all and welcome to the Novemberr Newsletter. Sorry it’s late but there is a fair bit to cram in including matsurfing in waves that are positively Baltic, a fun new YouTube edit doing the rounds and news about our store… Bring it on!

Sports | Mat surfing

Josh Simpson Surf Mat Movie

This is from a trip to South Africa in 2019. It's a section of a movie that Josh Simpson is working on. It features mat riders Ellis Ericson, Beau Foster, an...

Sports | Mat surfing

MATSURFERS.COM NEWS - October 2020 —

Hello and Welcome to the October 2020 newsletter. This month we have a retro flavour with some older footage, plus a bit of a plan to get the ball rolling with a sci-fi matmeet in the UK.

Sports | Mat surfing

ASB Mat Surfing Spring 2020

Andrew Stephen Buck matsurfing Rincon and AirPlaning Sand Spit in spring 2020. Footage by Luke Williams: Music: Prelude No. 21 by Ch...

Sports | Mat surfing


Short documentary on Australia mat surfer Justin Spittle

Sports | Mat surfing

Dave Rastovich Surfs An Inflatable Mat in Mexico in TGR and Outside TV’s ‘Life in Proximity’

In Episode 4 of Teton Gravity Research and Outside TV’s “A Life in Proximity,” Stephanie Gilmore and Dave Rastovich are still in the midst of an epic...

Sports | Mat surfing

From 2016. No Laughing Matter - 3 - Was that where it was at?

No Laughing Matter – Visions of a surf mat enthusiast Episode 3: Was that where it was at? Location: County Santosha, Ireland Close to where I used to…

Sports | Mat surfing

20 Best Surf Mats images | surf mat, surfing, mats

Apr 11, 2012 - Explore Courtney Reeser's board "Surf Mats" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Surf mat, Surfing, Mats.

Sports | Mat surfing

Anchor Point Morocco

Ari Browne and friends have some fun matting Anchor Point in Morocco. Shot in and around Taghazout area.

Sports | Mat surfing

The Surfing Gazillionaire

"The Surfing Gazillionaire" is the second episode of a series of surf videos that tell intimate stories about people who pursue surfing in a different…

Sports | Mat surfing

May 17th Hook

This video is about May 17th Hook some surfing and Mats.

Sports | Mat surfing

Nothing between me and the wave but two microns of plastic and a bubble of air...!' 2010

I have been trying to get my grubby little mitts on this awesome mat riding footage for sometime and finally the deed is done. The rider is Mark Thomson of K...

Sports | Mat surfing

surfmat Doho & Mat Reef 2019

few sessions from this year on the surfmat Jamo & Matt show off there skills. Doho & mat reef enjoy don't forget to subscribe, Like, Share, & comment. Have a...

Sports | Mat surfing

the real thing

a early morning surf with Paul , Neal and some dolphins. Mat riding what I love, long wall waves with plenty of speed to burn, as one fellow surfer asked me as I…

Sports | Mat surfing

Sunday On Country

This is "Sunday On Country" by adam williams on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Sports | Mat surfing


A fun Saturday morning with the SCUMM crew mat surfing down south at one of our favorite reefs and meet a new mat rider from Canberra. Tunes James Gang Collage

Sports | Mat surfing

Sunday Security

A few waves amongst the chaos of the surfing trend, mat sliders Neal & Patrick enjoying a few! Tunes Russal Thane & Three Security

Sports | Mat surfing

Fantasea Mat Riding George Greenough1980.

My, hopefully a little better quality than what has been available to date, edit of the mat riding footage from the 1980 surf classic Fantasea. Soundtrack is...

Sports | Mat surfing

George Greenough On Maui In 1967 in Slo-Mo

The silent look and learn version, How well could he have been ripping on a modern mat?

Sports | Mat surfing

For Your Love

A early Saturday morning fun with a host of friends including 7 other mat riders , sharing some stoke & laughs. Tunes The Ace Kefford Band For Your Love

Sports | Mat surfing

Dirty Old Wedge

The Wedge, located at the end of the Balboa Peninsula in Newport Beach, California, is a world famous, man-made beast of a wave. Since its creation, people h...

Sports | Mat surfing

Surf Mat tutorial.

Quick overview on how to ride a Surf Mat.

Sports | Mat surfing

Mat Surf 08 18

Sports | Mat surfing

surfmat Doho & Mat Reef 2019

few sessions from this year on the surfmat Jamo & Matt show off there skills. Doho & mat reef enjoy don't forget to subscribe, Like, Share, & comment. Have a...

Sports | Mat surfing

UK Mat Surfers. Surfmat information and social media. Buy surf mats and DaFin swimfins. Surfmat interviews.