Cycling/Paddleboarding/beer/coffee/Music/Punk Rock and other stuff that interests me.

Chris Thomas

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Watch Charles Barkley’s expletive-filled message to ‘rednecks’ who boycott Bud Light

Former Auburn star had strong message for those protesting Bud Light.

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Kid Rock went wild with his rifle and shot up a few cartons of Bud Light, but somehow decided not to take the beer out of his bar: report

"It is not clear if the ban had been lifted or if there ever had been one to begin with," said CNN's Ryan Young on Tuesday.

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Why Do Military Recruiters Lie? - 8 Shocking Truths

Why do military recruiters lie? What lies do recruiters tell? Read this detailed article to find the answers.

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This Blue Angels Cockpit Video is Terrifying and Amazing

The U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels flight demonstration squadron demonstrates skill on such a high level it seems almost supernatural. To say that such aerobatics r...

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Top Christmas Toys From The 1960s & 1970s!

The holiday season is usually when we reflect back on the year and think about everything we experienced. It's also a time when we think back to our childho...

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Do These Foods Taste Different In Other Countries?

Today, we're putting our taste buds to the test to see if we can guess which snack was made in the United States. GMM # 1934Check out the Mythical Kitchen - ...

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Mexican Moms Rank Store-Bought Salsas

Try Lucy's and Xochitl's salsa recipes! moms rank different popular store-bought salsas from brands like Pace, Tostitos, Taco ...

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Archie McPhee Tin Foil Hat For Humans

Archie McPhee Tin Foil Hat For Humans

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An anti-gay Hungarian politician has resigned after being caught by the police fleeing a 25-man orgy through a window

Jozsef Szajer was spotted by a local fleeing the party along a gutter, authorities in Brussels told Politico.

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Eat A Bag Of Dicks Mug | Etsy

This high quality 11oz. ceramic white mug has a premium hard coat that provides crisp and vibrant color reproduction sure to last for years. Perfect for all hot & cold beverages. • High Gloss + Premium White Finish• ORCA Coating• Dishwasher and Mic

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Mexican Moms Rank Mexican Snacks

Mexican moms rank popular Mexican snacks like gansito, bubu lubu, duritos, sabritones, takis, and more! Filmed and Produced by The Crazy Gorilla.

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PHOENIX 'KAREN' SLAPPED ACROSS THE FACE ... After Racist Rant all credit & source goes to

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White Woman Harasses Latinx Family at Park | NowThis

‘F*ck this music. It sucks. You’re in America.’ — This Trump supporter berated a Latinx family for playing music while barbecuing in a park. » Subscribe to N...

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Cruising Van Nuys Boulevard In The Summer Of 1972 In Stunning Black And White Photos By Rick McCloskey

In the Los Angeles suburb of San Fernando Valley, Wednesday night was cruise night. A long stretch of Van Nuys Boulevard would be packed with kids and cars from all over Southern California – the place to show off your ride.

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    10 Fastest Electric Motorcycles You Can Actually Buy

    Tesla Roadster: Here's Why It's Worth $200,000 If you’re the type of person that enjoys the freedom of the open r...

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    Watch how to make your very own homemade no sew face mask out of a t-shirt in this DIY vlog that's free and easy, with literally only a 2 step process to mak...

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    Alabama's Roy Moore Sues Over Embarrassing Appearance On Sacha Cohen Series

    Moore appeared in a July episode of Cohen's Showtime series Who Is America? in which a character played by Cohen implies that Moore is a pedophile.

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    ‘It’s surreal’: Seattle’s Pike Place Fish Market sold to fish-throwing employees

    WATCH: Ryan Reese, a new owner of the Pike Place Fish Market, explains the origin of the fish tossing that has become a tourist attraction. (Alan Berner and Christine Clarridge / The Seattle Times)

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    Man calls police on another man eating burrito on BART train

    Man calls police on another man eating burrito on BART train #Humor #Comedy #SanFrancisco #BayArea

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    3 Things People Who Served In The Military Do That Make Them Look Like Tools

    While it’s great to be proud of one’s service, it’s also the mark of a huge tool bag if he is unable to talk about anything but his time in the belly of the beast.

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    I'm Irish and I spent a year traveling the US — here are the 17 things that surprised me about day to day life

    In this post, I'm not whining about foreign policy, economics or politics. This is entirely about my frustrations with day to day life in America.

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    LOONEY TUNES (Looney Toons): Hollywood Steps Out (1941) [ULTRA HD 4K Remastered]

    This video streams up to Ultra HD 4k (2160p). Hollywood Steps Out is a 1941 short Merrie Melodies cartoon by Warner Bros., directed by Tex Avery. The cartoon...

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    Johnny Cash Taco Bell commercial 1992

    Watch hundreds of other classic '90s commercials at

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    Why American Jews Eat Chinese Food on Christmas

    A lack of dining options may have started Jewish Christmas, but now it's a full-fledged ritual.

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      Bradley Cooper Surprised Over Outrage at His DNC Attendance

      "I was not expecting that"

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      “Obama has a soft spot for homosexuals because of the years he spent as a male prostitute in his twenties”: Meet the looniest politician in Texas (and that’s saying something)

      Bat-shit nuts candidates are everywhere in Texas -- and sometimes even win. This year, there's a special case

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      A New Documentary About the Time Philadelphia Dropped a Bomb—Yes, a Bomb—on a House Full of Black Radicals

      Let the Fire Burn, Jason Osder’s powerful debut documentary, opens with period footage of a soft-spoken boy with two names: Michael Moses Ward and Birdie A

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      Man Fitted With Bionic Penis Will Lose His Virginity To An Award-Winning Sex Worker

      Mohammed Abad has arranged to meet with Charlotte Rose for dinner in London.

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      Doctors Claim ‘B.J’s’ Are Good For Women’s Health And Even Help Fight Depression | Daily Digest

      Get connected to the world's finest singles in a community where there is always someone for somebody ...

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        If We Ban Commuters From Doing This, You'll Get Home Faster

        Horrible car-free days could mean more buses in the future.

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        Original Trololo guy ( First video version of the song )

        Original Trololo guy , trololo from the 60's , the guy in the video (Muslim Magomayev ) is the first artist to perform the song in a recorded fashion.but of ...

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        Women Who Travel For SEX: Sun, sea and gigolos (Full Documentary)

        The men are young, gorgeous and up for it. No wonder Western women see a Third World holiday as the gateway to casual sex - sometimes in exchange for cash. B...

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        Wall Street Exploded in 1920 and You Didn't Even Know It

        Terrorism has plagued America for more than a century, and one of the earliest and deadliest instances remains a mystery.

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          Banksy's 'Dismaland' Living Up To Its Name With Ticket Debacle

          The graffiti artist's darkly themed art show in England spurred wild demand for tickets, causing the website to crash. Now people are wondering if the confusion is all part of the show.

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            The Man Who Shot Michael Brown

            Darren Wilson says he wants to stop thinking about what happened in Ferguson. But the town isn’t done.

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              Did 'Magnum P.I.' star Tom Selleck steal truckloads of hydrant water? A real P.I. was on case

              The vehicle used for the alleged pilfering of water from a Ventura County water district's fire hydrant was a white water-tender truck -- not a red Ferrari driven by a mustachioed man wearing a Detroit Tigers baseball cap and a Hawaiian shirt.

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              A Child Pornography Investigation Has Led Authorities To The Home Of Subway’s Jared Fogle

              Why are federal and state police investigating the home of Subway spokesman Jared Fogle? Does he have ties to a child pornography ring?

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                8 things you didn't know about the Confederate flag

                Here are eight things you may not have known about the contentious Confederate emblem.

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                  Why There's No Conservative Jon Stewart

                  A unified theory of why political satire is biased toward, and talk radio is biased against, liberals in America.

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                    Underwear Patch To Make Your Farts Smell Like Mint

                    After many years and thanks to the collaboration of the world’s best scientific researchers there has been a revolutionary discovery this year: t

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                        The Stoners' Paradise of Humboldt County Is Dreading Weed Legalization | VICE | United States

                        The economy of the rural Northern Californian region is dominated by marijuana, and many growers are worried that when pot becomes legal, prices will plummet and they'll lose their livelihoods.

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                        60's Commercials

                        My compilation of commercials from the 60's. Cars, cigarettes, aspirin, pickles, the whole nine!

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                          A glass of red wine is the equivalent to an hour at the gym, says new study

                          Love a good glass of vino but hate hitting the gym to work it off? This news will make your day. UPDATE: Drinking red wine could help burn fat, says new...

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                              What Research Says About The Consequences Of PC Culture

                              Jonathan Chait's essay on a pervasive dangerous online culture of political correctness nearly broke the Internet. So does the science back him up?

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                                Misinformation continues to surround the McDonald’s hot-coffee case

                                I heard it again. It was during that show The Talk, when one of the guests—some actor I’d never heard of—was talking about frivolous lawsuits and mentioned the famous 1994 McDonald’s hot-coffee case.

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                                  I am the son of a terrorist. Here's how I chose peace.

                                  If you’re raised on dogma and hate, can you choose a different path? Zak Ebrahim was just seven years old when his father helped plan the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. His story is shocking, powerful and, ultimately, inspiring.

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                                  USS Robison DDG-12 '88 WESTPAC

                                  Video of Western Pacific Cruise in 1988. Deployed to the Persian Gulf. Participated in Operation Earnest Will. Reflagged Kuwaiti tankers through Straits of H...

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                                    US student is rescued from giant vagina sculpture in Germany

                                    More than 20 firefighters free exchange student from the artwork Chacán-Pi (Making Love) by Fernando de la Jara in Tübingen

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                                    Sword Fights Break Out In A Clash At India's Golden Temple

                                    Ceremonial swords and staffs were swung in anger, resulting in injuries and panic during a commemoration of a military raid on a sacred shrine in Amritsar, India.