A licensed psychotherapist and hypnotherapist in the Beverly Hills and Los Angeles Area.

Tracey E. Harvey, MA, LMFT

Articles 70
Views 58.5K

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Aging and My Beauty Dilemma - The New York Times

Being ideologically opposed to intervening in such a natural process as aging can’t always prevent a woman from calling herself a “two-faced hypocrite.”

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

How to Get Back on Track When You’ve Lost Your Motivation

Motivation can be fleeting, and it's OK to simply give it a rest. But when you need to get unstuck and get moving again, these two simple things can help.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

How to Get Back on Track When You’ve Lost Your Motivation

Motivation can be fleeting, and it's OK to simply give it a rest. But when you need to get unstuck and get moving again, these two simple things can help.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Train Your Mind to Ease Your Pain - Mindful

Pain is a fact of life, but it doesn't have to rule you. Reshape your relationship with pain with these 11 strategies.

      Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

      The Incalculable Value of Finding a Job You Love - The New York Times

      To be happy, research suggests, earning a high salary isn’t enough. Once you have met your basic needs, satisfaction comes from developing an expertise.

      Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

      Why ‘Useless’ Surgery Is Still Popular - The New York Times

      About 400,000 middle-aged and older Americans a year have meniscus surgery. One problem: There’s no evidence that it’s worth it.

      Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

      How Pokémon GO Is Helping With My Autism and Depression | I'm Not a Robot

      So I've been playing a lot of Pokémon GO lately. Along with almost everybody else. I'm thinking this game is a unifying cultural phenomenon second only to

      Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

      Raising the World’s Vibration | Spirituality & Health Magazine

      As the world seems to be getting crazier by the moment, we need to amp up our personal practices of peacefulness, love, compassion, understanding and responsibility.

      Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

      Making Aging Positive

      Many of my older-adult patients wanted to make a difference in the world but, finding no role for themselves, were treated as socially useless. Having created a new stage of life, the next step is to make it meaningful.

      Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

      Yoga May Be Good for the Brain

      A weekly routine of yoga and meditation may help to stave off aging-related mental decline, according to a study of older adults with memory problems.

      Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

      #VagusNerve Stimulation Dramatically Reduces #Inflammation

      There is growing evidence that stimulating the vagus nerve can improve well-being in many ways—including the reduction of chronic inflammation.

        Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

        Cheating Ourselves of Sleep

        Failing to get enough sleep night after night can compromise your health and may even shorten your life.

          Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

          For Effective Brain Fitness, Do More Than Play Simple Games

          The theory of a more holistic approach is that the brain thrives on continuous stimulation, which can include exercising, laughing and socializing.