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Politics | Politics

Politics | Politics

Orwell’s 1984 and Today

We can see today the totalitarian impulse among powerful forces in our politics and culture. We can see it in the rise and imposition of doublethink, and we can see it in the increasing attempt to rewrite our history.

    Politics | Politics

    Nancy Pelosi Vows Congress Will Pass 'Election Reform' Bill

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) outlined a few key objectives Congress will pursue on the "first day" of the 117th Congress.

      Politics | Politics

      History Repeats Itself: Lenin's Actions to Steal the 1917 Election in Russia Are Eerily Similar to the Democrats Steal Today

      Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr. Did the Democrats copy the Lenin playbook in this year’s election? A reminder…the first “free election” in Russia was held in 1917. Lenin promised a “free” election where all votes would be equal and ea

        Politics | Politics

        Mail-in ballots were part of a plot to deny Lincoln reelection in 1864 - The Washington Post

        Then, in 1864, the most elaborate election conspiracy in America’s brief history was discovered before it could corrupt the vote.

          Politics | Politics

          Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says "Second Wave" Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, "Pandemic Is Over" - Global Res


          First published by Global Research on September 24, 2020
          In a stunning development, a former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says “there is no science to suggest …

            Politics | Politics

            BREAKING: Evidence of Biden Payments from China Support Tony Bobulinski and Show the Bidens Made Millions Swindling America

            The MSM, Democrats and the Biden Campaign are complaining that the Tony Bobulinski story is a lie.  They want Americans to believe that Hunter and Joe Biden are men of character and Bobulinski is the man lacking integrity.  Unfortunately for this corrup

              Politics | Politics

              Democracy besieged - spiked

              From anti-populists to environmentalists, too many regard democracy as an obstacle to their aims.

                Politics | Politics

                By Their Own Criteria, Democrats Are The Enemies Of Democracy

                The Democratic Party’s tactics since Trump’s 2016 nomination are right out of Harvard professors' litmus test for detecting assaults on democracy.

                  Politics | Politics

                  While Hyping Voter Intimidation, Left Promises To Revolt If Trump Wins

                  Leftist groups openly plan mass disruption if Biden isn't declared victorious. But media is more interested in stories of voter intimidation from the right.

                  Politics | Politics

                  DHS Chief Chad Wolf Shreds Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: ‘Your Censorship Poses A Threat To Our Security’ | The Daily Wir

                  Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf slammed far-left Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in a letter on Friday for his censorship of a top U.S.

                      Politics | Politics

                      U.S. GDP grew at record 33.1% annualized rate in third quarter, as economy roars back from COVID

                      Commerce Department reported Thursday that GDP grew in third quarter annualized rate of 33.1%, 7.4% from July to September

                      Politics | Politics

                      Biden Pledges to Gut Religious Freedom Protections, Saying They Give 'Hate' a 'Safe Harbor'

                      Joe Biden made no bones about it: if he wins the presidential election, he will gut religious freedom protections to fight "discrimination."

                        Politics | Politics

                        Che Guevara in 10 (Not So) Great Quotes | The Libertarian

                        Ten not so great quotes from every teenager's favourite freedom fighter. Share this link, and spread the truth about Che Guevara!

                        Politics | Politics

                        Yes, Media Are Rigging Election Against Half The Country. Here's How

                        Even if Donald Trump had lost the 2016 election, the media's coverage of his campaign and supporters would have been a horrific failure.

                          Politics | Politics

                          While Hyping Voter Intimidation, Left Promises To Revolt If Trump Wins

                          Leftist groups openly plan mass disruption if Biden isn't declared victorious. But media is more interested in stories of voter intimidation from the right.

                            Politics | Politics

                            Facebook censorship board is comprised mostly of foreign nationals with ties to George Soros – The Buffalo Chronicle

                            The recently appointed Facebook oversight board tasked with deciding which posts get blocked from the world’s most popular social networking website is stacked with leftists and foreign n…

                              Politics | Politics

                              Critical Theory vs Critical Thinking | Free Thinking Ministries

                              Social justice. That sounds great! After all, who would not want justice in the society in which they live? In fact, the Bible has so much to say about justice.