I've got vision and the rest of the world wears bifocals - Butch Cassidy played by Paul Newman

TRojaN ThRoNe

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Politics in 2021 | Politics

Politics | Politics in 2021

Structural Antisemitism

When AOC says it’s simplistic to say that Israel has a right to defend itself, she’s right. It is simple: Israel has a right to defend itself.

Politics | Politics in 2021

Donations 'Requested' by Newsom Exploded as His Emergency Powers Ballooned

Big businesses gave millions to Newsom’s initiatives and were rewarded handsomely.

    Politics | Politics in 2021

    Will Trump’s mishandling of records leave a hole in history?

    The public won’t see President Donald Trump’s White House records for years, but there’s growing concern the collection won’t be complete, leaving a hole in the history of one of America’s most tumultuous presidencies.

    Politics | Politics in 2021

    Biden Has Ties To 5 Major Tech Companies

    At least 14 people who President-elect Joe Biden has picked to serve either in his administration or transition team have worked for the Big Tech firms.

      Politics | Politics in 2021

      Opinion | Democrats Are Pursuing the Wrong Impeachment Charges Against President Trump

      It would be better to make a case around provable facts rather than a matter of judgment.

      Politics | Politics in 2021

      Prayer to Open 117th Congress Ends with "Amen" and "Awoman" (VIDEO)

      We have officially reached the ninth level of hell in this country. The anti-American, anti-family Democrats proposed new “gender neutral” rules for the House. The proposed rules were announced by Democratic Massachusetts Rep. James McGovern,

        Politics | Politics in 2021

        Obama’s Latest Autobiography Rewrites Israeli History to Make You Hate the Jewish State

        As Obama’s dotty old puppet prepares to enter the Oval Office, this is not a good sign for America’s alliance with Israel, or for peace in the Middle East.

        Politics | Politics in 2021

        "Amazing" Hypocrisy: Democrats Make Wreck of Covid-19 Relief Negotiations

        Democrats stonewalled all year on a new pandemic relief package. Now they're proposing a new plan that undercuts even Republican proposals, and screws everyone but - get this - defense contractors