Ziporah Hildebrandt

Articles 37
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Access the Bars | Advice & Self-Help

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars

Access The Bars® | Access Consciousness Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally relaxed and nurtured and cared for? Or has it been a little to...

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars

Access Stories of Change

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars

The Beginning & Future of Access Consciousness Part #1 - with Gary Douglas and Shannon OHara

( Whether you are an experienced energy healer or a total beginner we all have questions about energy and consciousness......

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars

Review of Access Bars® by Neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin

( ) This is a review of what occurs in the brain before and after an Access Bars session. Presented by neuroscientist Dr. ...

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars

Access Bars™ help ease PTSD symptoms with Tagit Dance

Join my FB page: Dotan suffers from PTSD over 25 years, Here he tells how Access Bars™ helps his insomnia,...

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars


Access Bars® are 32 points on the head that when gently touched release limitations, stress and tension from your life &helip;

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars

Depressed? Anxious? Looking for Meaning in Your Life? Thinking of Trying Ayahuasca? You Might Try Access Bars® Instead! | Access Consciousness Blog

Seekers in western societies are being increasingly drawn to try the Amazonian hallucinogen ayahuasca. Trips to the Peruvian amazon by seekers of different

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars

Could Access Bars® Be More Effective for Depression Than Drugs? | Access Consciousness Blog

Depression is in epidemic proportions in the U.S., with one in 10 Americans suffering from some form of it.  More than 17 million people in the U.S. alone

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars

The Access Bars, Addiction And Mental Health | Access Consciousness Blog

by Marilyn Bradford MSSW, MEd., CFMW Armed with my license to practice psychotherapy, a ton of books and theories as well as an internship with the most

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars

Access Consciousness® in Mental Health? | Access Consciousness Blog

by Susanna Mittermaier Imagine a world where people are empowered to know that they know! There have been so many debates lately about mental health and

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars

Louise Derksen - Access Consciousness Facilitator, British Columbia, Alberta Canada

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars

Can a Gentle Touch End Squabbles Over Your Child’s Studying? | Access Consciousness Blog

The Bars’ Technique Can Help Kids Study Better By Dr. Sue Hegel Do you ever get frustrated with trying to get your child to study? Does your

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars

The Not Love Triangle of School, ADHD and Parenting | Access Consciousness Blog

Early in the school year I was called into the school, one call of the many I get.  My son was sitting at a desk in the hallway with the teacher, assistant

Advice & Self-Help | Access the Bars

Client Love — Authentically You

After having my bars run I was so relaxed, had much more clarity and felt totally energized. I went to work the next day and everyone noticed the “new me”. The experience left me with such a positive note that